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Hi All,

A copy of the rules will be on the wall in the lodge.

At the moment the council will not give the required permission to resume bowling.

We believe that this is because they do not understand the game but at present, they refuse to come and see for themselves.

We have therefore spoken to the local police who have permitted us to play but with the usual exercise times and number restrictions in force under COVID lockdown.

Times for the under 70s are 6 am to 10 am and 8 pm to 11 pm.

Times for the over 70’s are from 10 am to 12 noon and 7 pm to 8 pm. 


You are therefore allowed to bowl with these restrictions in place.

You should assume that there will not be a committee member on duty so you will need to let yourself in (lodge only) and organise your own game.

To keep control of the restriction of the numbers it is necessary to book rink times with Geoff,

Telephone 691432961 or email [email protected]

A signing in sheet will be left in the lodge and the rules will be displayed.

Please use the street entrance.